Join our Fantasy Football community on Discord!

Chat with thousands of like-minded fantasy football players on our official Discord Server.  It’s free to join and has additional channels and perks for FootClan supporters. Get fantasy football advice, join community events, share your knowledge with others, and even find leagues to join.  The most active fantasy football Discord server on the planet!

Frequently Asked Questions

Discord is the best way to talk, chat, hang out, and stay connected to The Fantasy Footballers community. Discord servers are organized into topic-based channels where you can collaborate, seek advice, and talk fantasy football 24/7.  Akin to Slack or “live” forums, Discord is a great tool to bring communities together and allow them to engage in what they love.


No, our Discord server is completely free to join.  There are a number of free public fantasy football channels you may participate in.  If you’re interested in accessing additional FOOTCLAN channels, you may do so by supporting the show at

Then click “Connect” next to Discord. 

From there you simply need to log in using your Discord info and that’s it. You’ll instantly be invited to the server and should have full access at that point. 

That’s it! You’ll find our official server on the left side of Discord in your server lists. 

We’re excited to have this option available to the #FootClan and hope you’ll join us there! 

Formerly hosted on our community forums, the FOOTCLAN LEAGUES feature is now exclusively on Discord.  You will see the FOOTCLAN LEAGUES section on the left side of Discord, and can click the “League Finder” channel to find new leagues to join or to post a league for others to join!